Me-so-different (Miso Pretty Sultry Citrus Review)
Me and this one met at a health food store while I was vacationing in Phoenix, AZ. It's pretty much a perfect hot weather traveling scent. You can splash it on anywhere and people don't have to deal with the huge blast of alcohol fumes you get from perfume sprays. This scent to me should be uni-sex. It smells pretty masculine for a girly perfume and frankly I think guys can pull it off. My nickname for this fragrance is anger fruit, because it smells like an orange and a lemon got seriously pissed off and are now pouting in a dark corner. So, the bottle has a picture of a freakish alien bird. I thought it was kinda cute.
2/5 Stars
2/5 Stars
Described as the perfect combination of calla lily and mixed citrus