Off Topic! In Honor of Oldies but Goodies
I present to you, the most fabulously deliciously scented lotion I have ever known up to date. Given to us by Bath and Bodyworks then viciously snatched away at it's prime. I only have two words for you BBW, f*** you! This was so hydrating it made my skin like BUTTER. I had probably blown 200 dollars on 5 bottles of this, and 2 gift sets, when I was fourteen. I saved up for this shit with my puny allowance it was so good. I sincerely wish BBW would bring this back!
This was my favorite body splash of my high school years. So delicious and fruity, I had girls in the locker-room beg me to borrow this. Very sugary and good, you know I love sweet things :). This tastes drinkable and you can still get it online, although I'm not sure if it would be stale or not. Anyway I don't buy body splashes anymore, they are too strong and fade too quickly. It's like a blast then it's gone. But one seriously tasty blast.
This was my favorite body splash of my high school years. So delicious and fruity, I had girls in the locker-room beg me to borrow this. Very sugary and good, you know I love sweet things :). This tastes drinkable and you can still get it online, although I'm not sure if it would be stale or not. Anyway I don't buy body splashes anymore, they are too strong and fade too quickly. It's like a blast then it's gone. But one seriously tasty blast.