Smell Like a Pretty Doll (Strawberry Shortcake by Marmol & Son)

     Strawberry Shortcake and her dollies have been around for quite some time. Many of you who grew up around her remember passing her by in a toy store and noticing how there were little plastic holes in the box with a sign that said "Sniff Me!". If you ever stopped to smell Miss. Strawberry Shortcake, you would be nothing short of impressed by how closely Marmol & Son replicates that scent into their fragrance. Perfect for children or eccentric adults, Strawberry Shortcake smells like frosted strawberries and plastic. The plasticy part of this fragrance is unique, and can either draw you in or repeal you. I appreciate the plastic part of it because I think it makes it smell genuine to the true strawberry shortcake doll. If you ever smelled a fruit scented doll's hair, that's what the fragrance smells like in a strawberry version. Not for the faint at heart at all, however if you want to take the risk it won't cost much at all. EDT are available online for prices between $9-$12. For 100 mL that is practically nothing. Beware of sound-a-likes!! Marmol & Son has more recently launched a new strawberry shortcake perfume that comes in a cheap plastic bottle with a big strawberry cap. This fragrance DOES NOT smell like the one I am describing above. 

3/5 Stars

Notes: Strawberry, orange, vanilla, and frosting.

Didn't have an official category listed on-line, but I would consider it a fruity floral gourmand