Hopin' and Dreamin' for Something More (American Girl Hopes and Dreams)

     It was very hard to find a good, large sized picture of this limited edition EDT from American Girl. Finding much information on this fragrance is also hard, but it's still available to buy. I bought this 50% off at Bath and Body Works during it's summer sale. Despite the beautiful bottle looking like a lovely lavender firework, I was very disappointed. Bought when I was 16-17 years old, I knew I was a little old for the intended age audience. Still it was not the scent that bummed me out, it was the way the fragrance was very weak and watery. I wouldn't be surprised if tap water was a main ingredient. It smelled like campfire marshmallows and canned vanilla frosting. This is a gourmand scent that is surprisingly subdued and boring for something that should be sweet and attention-grabbing. I would have maybe rated this scent 1.5/5 Stars if I could have smelled it without wearing my nose to my wrist all day. This fragrance lasts about 2 hours, but only as a ghost. Very sheer, would be perfect for someone who is allergic to everything.

1/5 stars

Notes: vanilla, caramel, lily

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