Freeman Beauty Banana & Oatmeal Smoothing Mask Review

I will start by saying, I am very upset freeman beauty has discontinued the pineapple enzyme mask and replaced it with this.

That being said, banana & oatmeal is still pretty good. If you had a chance to try the pumpkin peeling mask that was only available in sachets, this is very similar. The consistency is a clear yellow gel, it smells like artificial banana, I don't get much of an oatmeal smell. I think if they threw in some cinnamon it would smell a little bit better. Overall the scent is OK.

This mask is dangerous for very sensitive/dry skin. If you've had the chance to use the pineapple enzyme mask, this is stronger. You leave it on for only 7 minutes and after the directions say to moisturize immediately. Your skin will look a little red and feel a little raw. The product contains AHA's and lactic acid. This shit is not joking around.

My face does get a little less red/raw from this then it did from pumpkin peeling mask. There are two ways I can interpret this, either banana & oat is a bit gentler, or my face has gotten less sensitive to these types or products. I am leaning towards the formula being a bit gentler though, because I have been using manual scrub (old favorite pink grapefruit also d/c) the better part of the year.

I would certainly buy banana & oat and would recommend it to people who aren't sensitive. In the meanwhile however I have about 3 years worth of pineapple mask hoarded so I think I will be set for awhile.

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